Does Ashley Furniture Do Lease-to-Own in Oxnard, CA?
Yes! You can find lease-to-own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard, California through Acima. We make it easy to quickly get the brands and products you trust — including Ashley Furniture — or you have the option to lease-to-own furniture in Oxnard from another brand you prefer.
Need to give your living room, home office, or bedroom a new look but don’t want to finance or use a credit card? We're here to help. Fill out and submit your Acima application and you may be eligible to lease-to-own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard as quickly as today.
Why You Should Choose Lease-to-Own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard
Your home serves as your own personal oasis and should be furnished with relaxation and entertaining in mind. It's important to select furniture that is comfortable, stylish, and durable, but good furniture is expensive. Thankfully, Acima is here to make it easy to budget for quality furniture immediately with lease-to-own options in Oxnard, CA.
You may be tempted to buy that suspicious but cheap couch from a yard sale, but selecting high-quality furniture can actually save you cash down the line. When you lease-to-own furniture from quality brands in Oxnard, CA, it will hold up for longer. Stop busting your bank account by always swapping out a crummy nightstand here or a shaky bed frame there. Instead of buying cheap, poorly-made furnishings that could break with normal usage — that you'll have to spend your hard-earned money to replace — think about choosing well-constructed lease-to-own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard.
Yes — designer furniture is more durable, but it’s better in regards to comfort and function, too. Well-constructed furniture offers more stability and in turn, provides better support. Going with quality seating with with lease-to-own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard may help reduce nagging aches and pains from lounging on a dilapidated couch or busted bed frame, and a durable dining table won't quake and shake while you dine.
Don't dismiss the importance of style, either! You deserve to have a gorgeous Oxnard place that you're happy to call yours and pieces of furniture that reflect your personal style. Ashley Furniture offers many design, material, and size options, allowing you to find the best fit for your space and style. With Acima, you don't need to let your budget hold you back from getting furniture in Oxnard, CA that meets your needs and your style.
How Leasing-to-Own Ashley Furniture in Oxnard, CA Works
Are you ready to upgrade your living space? You can find Ashley Furniture at your preferred participating Oxnard retailer and complete Acima’s quick application on our website or in-store. Once you get approved for furniture shopping power (you can get as much as $4,000!), select the furniture pieces you want to add to your home, and Acimia will buy them on your behalf. We’ll lease your furniture to you based on your agreement terms. Following your first payment, you'll complete a monthly payment until you fully own your furniture, or you have the option to purchase your furniture early and save.