Looking to lease-to-own in Searcy, AR but don't know if you should choose Progressive Leasing or Acima Leasing? We compare both companies to help you make a decision.
How Do I Choose Between Lease-to-Own Companies in Searcy, AR?
Lease-to-own can be helpful when you need new appliances, jewelry, furniture, and other goods but are low on cash. With so many companies like Progressive Leasing in Searcy, how do you know which one to choose? Let's compare Acima Leasing in Searcy, AR against Progressive Leasing to help you determine which company's store selection, requirements, and application process sound right for you.
How Do Acima Leasing and Progressive Leasing in Searcy, AR Work?
How does Progressive Leasing work in Searcy, AR? And how does Acima Leasing work? They both have similar application steps. Shop at your favorite eligible stores in Searcy, find the items you want, and apply online or in-store. When your application is approved, you'll choose a payment option, sign all the paperwork, and make a first payment. It's that simple!
How much can you spend? Progressive Leasing's approval amount varies. With Acima Leasing in Searcy, you may be approved for up to $5,000!
What Are the Requirements for Progressive Leasing in Searcy vs. Acima Leasing?
While the application processes for Acima Leasing and Progressive Leasing in Searcy, AR are alike, their requirements are different. For Progressive Leasing, an applicant needs to provide a social security number (or taxpayer identification number), have a debit or credit card and an open checking account, and be 18 years or older (19 in AL).
Acima Leasing in Searcy, AR requires you to be 18 years or older (19 in Alabama), have an active checking account with at least $750 per month in income, 3 months of income history with your current source of income, a government-issued ID, and a social security number or taxpayer identification number.
Both Acima Leasing and Progressive Leasing are designed for shoppers in Searcy with less-than-perfect credit. Multiple data points are considered beyond your credit history to determine if you’re a good fit for leasing and your spending power.
Acima Leasing vs. Progressive Leasing Stores in Searcy, AR
What are the eligible stores for Progressive Leasing and Acima Leasing? Progressive Leasing has thousands of eligible retailers in Searcy and online, including Mattress Firm, Best Buy, and Kay Jewelers. Make sure you check their full list of approved stores before shopping.
Acima Leasing partners with more than 15,000 stores — including national brands and local businesses. Shop at your favorite retailers, such as Ashley Homestore, P.C. Richards & Son, GameStop, and Goodyear. Check out Acima Leasing's online retailers, or browse Searcy, AR stores.
What Items Can I Lease in Searcy, AR with Acima Leasing vs. Progressive Leasing?
Progressive Leasing and Acima Leasing in Searcy, AR consider the same items leasable. Broadly speaking, an eligible product must be durable, returnable, and for personal or household use. Leasable items include tires, instruments, electronics, furniture, power tools, and much more! Ineligible items include anything permanently attached to a home or car, high-risk items, services, and consumables.
Is Acima Leasing or Progressive Leasing the Best Searcy, AR Lease-to-Own Company?
The decision of which Searcy, AR lease-to-own company to choose is entirely yours to make. The right choice for you will depend on the application process, approval requirements, and which Searcy stores you want to shop at. Customer reviews and downloading the apps can provide valuable information to help you compare companies. Secure instant shopping power for the products you need today.